Lesson 1 - Lead up Game: Mini Lacrosse

Mini Lacrosse

Grade Level: 9-12

Number of Students: 50

Class Time: 45 Minutes

Equipment and Supplies: 50 Lacrosse Sticks, at least 2 lacrosse balls, gloves, eye and head protector.

Safety Factors/reminders: Make sure filed or gym is clear of debris. Allow and make sure there is enough room for the students to run freely. Make clear to students the possible immovable objects and other possible hazardous items.

Student Behavioral Objectives:

Psychomotor domain: As a result in participating in this lesson students will be able to learn how to scoop, pass, catch, cradle, and score a goal.

Cognitive domain: As a result in participating in this lesson the students will understand the importance of accuracy in Lacrosse and importance of communication and teamwork.

Affective Domain: As a result in participating in this lesson the students will understand how teamwork and accuracy will help them in bettering their game by being able to utilize one another affectively.

New York State Learning Standards:

Personal Health and Fitness: The students will be using much fitness, as they will be warming up, stretching and various different running techniques as we practice the different ways to play lacrosse. Learning the game of lacrosse will and is a great from of exercise as it is a constant movement game.

A Safe and healthy environment: The students will be working together as either a pair or a group and will be assisting one another with positive feedback and by doing this creating a very sportsmanlike learning environment.

Resource management: Students will be made aware of the schools inter-scholastic competitive lacrosse team.

Lesson Focus:
The students will line up into four separate lines. Lines 1 and lines 3 will be a team and lines 2 and lines 4 will be a team. The first four players up will then be asked to face the wall so they cannot see the goal or me. There will be a goal on the other side of the gym. After they are facing the opposite direction I will then throw the ball somewhere in the gym without them knowing where. I will then blow my whistle to imply for them to begin the race. The first one to the ball must scoop it up and begin to cradle. The team must also make one completed pass before attempting to shoot. The two who did not get the ball first must defend and try to stop them from scoring. The first team to make the one pass, and show me proper forms of cradling and throwing and catching, then the goal will win the point for their team.

Statement/ reminder:
This lead up game will use and focus on all the 5 days of lessons I have done.

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